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POST /posts/[chat_id]

This endpoint is used to post to add a post to a chat. It requires authorization.


contentThe post content. From 0 to 4,000 characters. If left at zero characters or left out, at least one attachment has to be present.No
attachmentsA list of attachment IDs uploaded via At most 10.No
reply_toA list of post IDs to reply to.No


200PostThe resulting post. This may be returned later than broadcasted by Cloudlink.
400{ "error": true, "type": "tooManyAttachments" }If there are more than 10 attachments.
403If the account is attempting to message a user that is blocked or that has the account blocked.
403{ "error": true, "type": "accountBanned" }If the account is banned.
404If the chat can't be found, or the account is not in the chat.
500{ "error": true, "type": "unableToClaimAttachment" }If one of the attachments could not be claimed. This can happen when it has already expired or the ID is incorrect, or be a server issue.